Our Facility Lay-out

Built-in Chute
Hoof-Trimming Chute
Pen with a Head-Catch
Calf/Small Ruminant Pen
Sheep/Goat Stand
Advantages to our Haul-in Facility

Cleanliness for surgeries and sterile procedures
Warm all year: hypothermic newborns can be warmed up
Proper restraint to keep both animals and humans safe
Technicians available from 8 am - 4 pm to assist veterinarians with care for your animals
Same-day appointments
Lab work
Save a trip charge to farm
Common Cattle In-Clinic Procedures

General physical exams
Displaced Abomasum (DA) surgeries
General surgeries- hernias, eye enucleations and more
Obstetrics & C-Sections
Hospitalization of calves requiring intensive care
Breeding soundness exams
Lameness exams and treatments
Show trims
Dehorning and castrations
Cosmetic dehorning ​
Splint broken limbs on calves
Necropsies and sample collection
Common Small Ruminant Procedures

General physical exams
Goat dehorning (with or without gas anesthesia)
Vaccinations and castrations
Hospitalization of sheep and goats requiring intensive care
Pregnancy diagnosis via ultrasound​​
Obstetrics & C-Sections
Breeding soundness exams
Splint broken limbs
Hoof trims & lameness
Blood transfusions
Laboratory Diagnostics
same day results

Bloodwork Panels
Large Animal Panel
Kidney Panel
Total Proteins
Fecals (general, coccidia, cryptosporidium)
Total Solids
Laboratory Diagnostics
results in 1-2 days

Milk Cultures
Milk or Colostrum Quantitatives
If further diagnostics are needed, we send samples to veterinary diagnostic laboratories.